Randwick Boys High School

An exclusive education in an inclusive environment

Telephone02 9399 3122




In the subject English, we provide opportunities for students to understand, use, enjoy and value language in all its forms.  The Randwick Boys’ High School English faculty is passionate about teaching students lifelong skills to engage with and critically analyse language in their everyday lives. Language shapes our understanding of ourselves and our world. It is the primary means by which we relate to others and is central to the intellectual, social and emotional development of all students. Developing proficiency in English enables students to take their place as confident communicators, critical and imaginative thinkers, lifelong learners and informed, active participants in Australian society. It supports the development and expression of a system of personal values, based on students' understanding of moral and ethical matters, and gives expression to their hopes and ideals.


In Stages 4 and 5, students will have studied several prose fiction, poetry, drama, nonfiction, film, media and multimodal texts. They will also compose a comprehensive range of imaginative, factual and critical texts using different modes and technologies. They focus on details of texts to analyse meaning, perspective, cultural assumptions, ideologies and language. In Stage 6, we offer the full range of Board of Studies courses to suit students’ interests and abilities.

HSC English Subjects Offered

English Extension 2

English Extension 1

English Advanced

English Standard

English Studies

EAL/D (English as an Additional Language/Dialect)


Society and Culture


Studying the creative arts, students learn to appreciate, compose, listen, make and perform. The art form of Drama has its own unique knowledge and skills, elements or concepts, as well as a capacity to inspire and enrich lives. In Year 8, Drama is incorporated into the English timetable to allow for consistent opportunities for students to develop skills in self-confidence, clear speech, imaginative tasks, collaborative skills and processing their world through the art form. Drama is an elective subject for Year 9 and 10 students and can be chosen as a HSC subject for Year 11 and 12 students. Students are also given opportunities to perform for their peers, the school community and take part in the annual showcase extravaganza collaboratively with Randwick Girls’ High School students.​ 

The Public Speaking team at school

Debating and public speaking

At Randwick Boys’ High School there are a number of opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular English, including joining a debating team or representing the school in various public speaking competitions. These competitions give students the opportunity to:

·         develop a range of skills necessary in life beyond the classroom

·         gain broad, multi-faceted knowledge of disciplines outside their normal academic subjects

·         foster self-esteem

·         engage in rigorous higher order and critical thinking skills

·         improve note-taking skills

·         engage in team work.

Extracurricular opportunities

The English faculty believes in holistic learning experiences; at Randwick Boys’ High School students participate in a number of excursions and organised events to enrich their classroom learning including:

·         author and expert lectures

·         performances from poets

·         trips to museums

·         writing festivals

·         symposiums

·         drama performances.


The goal of the English faculty at Randwick Boys’ High School is to develop young men who are effective communicators who reflect thoughtfully and critically on what they read, view, listen to and interact with in their everyday lives.