Randwick Boys High School

An exclusive education in an inclusive environment

Telephone02 9399 3122


Careers education

Careers education at Randwick Boys High School provides a co-ordinated and comprehensive program of learning experiences which address the development needs of all students.

These will assist students to develop:

  • knowledge and understanding of themselves and others as individuals who work
  • knowledge and understanding of the world of work
  • the capacity to analyse and plan career decision
  • the capacity to implement decisions and manage work transitions.

Randwick Boys High School also offers students a wide variety of vocational education courses as part of the student's Higher School Certificate program. The school actively promotes its vocational education program with approximately 60 students from Years 11 and 12 currently enrolled in both TAFE-delivered (TVET) and school-delivered vocational classes.

School to work program

Currently, Year 10 students complete a two week work experience program where they are given the opportunity to experience the work environment first hand. Students are required to keep a diary of their experiences and are supervised by the employer and a staff member.

More on the program can be found at RBHS - job jump careers.